Since 1958, the Vignati Group has specialized in mould manufacturing, thermoplastic technical item moulding and zinc alloy and aluminium die casting with quality meeting the highest standards.
Know-how and products
Articoli estetici, inserti assemblati in fase di stampaggio o successivamente, tampografia, saldature a ultrasuoni, verniciature, metallizzazioni sottovuoto e cromature.
I numeri di Gruppo Vignati
The joint efforts of all areas of the company and competence in the many and varied control techniques, acquired by and diffused to all units and all personnel, have resulted in attainment of UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 certification. Certification was awarded by SAI GLOBAL for the design, manufacturing and testing of dies and moulds for technical and aesthetic items;
The Vignati Group, in close collaboration with all the units, has always had a high respect for the environment, guaranteeing separate collection and waste disposal.
Since January 2020 the Vignati Group is moving in the direction of achieving ISO 14001 certification.